It has taken me more than a year to get clearance to write about Julian and to give Julian a voice here on this blog, when he feels comfortable having one. As a professional dancer, he can’t just have me blabbing about him whenever I want. He and I both have to consider his reputation […]
Visiting My Dancin’ Boy in Dresden
Seeing Julian dance in the Nutcracker was, of course, a highlight of my trip to Germany. However, spending time with Julian and seeing a bit of his daily life was another one–and actually one of the things I was most looking forward to about my trip to see him. While I in Germany I spent […]
News from Abroad and From the Homefront
It’s been 11 days…and news has been sparse from Germany, to say the least. As you can imagine, with my hubby gone to Berlin after dropping Julian off, the house is quiet. Just the cat and me at home, reminiscent of when Ron took Julian off to SAB last fall. Just as when Julian left […]
Taking Company Class at San Francisco Ballet
Julian recently received the chance to take company class at San Francisco Ballet. This opportunity came about via his father and his student choreography piece from TDC last year. He took advantage of it earlier this month. While Julian and I were in New York this summer, Julian’s father went with the girls who were […]