OMG! Julian’s Nutcracker performances are this weekend already. When he performed with Ballet San Jose, the performances were the week before Christmas (Or was it for two full weeks?), but we came back from Thanksgiving in NY to a crazy tech week schedule. Thank goodness I’ve completed my 30-day writing blog. And we don’t even just have his performances to worry about. I’ve got a friend in town – coming a day earlier than expected – to teach some Kabbalistic drumming classes I organized for him. So, I’m on duty for that most of the weekend. (I see the Nutcracker Friday night.) My daughter is in the Christmas parade with her synchronized swimming team on Saturday. My hubby is doing security for the Nutcracker on Saturday morning. I think we’ll sleep well on Sunday night.
Now, the biggest thing for Julian seems to be whether or not his new boots will work for the Russian dance. He forgot to try them out at rehearsal yesterday. (I’m so glad I stressed about getting them here on time for tech week…) They aren’t ballet shoes but actually jazz shoes on the bottom. After that, he only needs to worry about landing on his feet for the flip he does during that dance. He actually runs up and puts one foot in the hands of the other boy and gets thrust into the air, where he does a flip. Imagine someone who runs up a wall and flips over and lands on his feet. It’s much like that. He’s landed badly a few times, but never on his head. A few times he’s touched the floor with his hands. Now he has to do it in these boots that will feel totally different on his feet. I hope they will help. Then, of course, there are the other jumps, leaps, turns, and regular old ballet moves he has to do in these non-ballet shoes.
As for the T-shirts I promised you for Christmas…I haven’t forgotten. We ran into a few hitches. The artwork is ready to go to the printer now, and we will see if we can get them produced quickly enough to allow for arrival in time for the holidays. We will price to accommodate priority shipping, I promise.
I am proud to say that my talented daughter, Ariel, was able to design three shirts based on sayings that I came up with! This is the beginning of “My Brother Can Dance Designs©” by Ariel Amir Lacey. I’ll tell you the sayings, and you can ponder the pictures… “Real men lift,” “This is my playing field,” and “The beats go on.” If we get enough T-shirt orders, she will transfer the designs to sweatshirts and sweat pants as well.
That’s it for today…Hopefully, I’ll have artwork to show you in a few days – by next week at the latest, and I’m assured that the shirts can be printed in just days if necessary. So, keep your fingers crossed!
When your ready with the T-shirts, I’d be happy to promote them on my blog. Just let me know!
I’ve posted the designs. I’ll have actual T-shirts with designs to post hopefully tomorrow and actual prices tomorrow or Thursday. I’m taking preorders! I’d love for you to promote them in any way you can. I also responded to your email…