Almost three years ago I had the pleasure or meeting Sue Samuels, a legend in the jazz dance world and mother of Emmy award-winning tap dancer Jason Samuels Smith. She and I had connected, if I recall correctly, via Facebook or email, about apartments in New York the first year Julian went to the American […]
Late July Missing Teachers and a Report on Pilobolus
We are back from my mother’s and back at the dancing. Julian and I were disappointed to discover that all of the teachers he was hoping to dance with this week are gone, namely Michelle Dorrance, Jared Grimes and Derrick Grant. What a bummer. It seems that last week of July is not a great […]
Does Your Son Tap? Keep His Feet Healthy!
I recently wrote an article for Dance Teacher magazine on how to keep tappers’ feet healthy. Previously, I wrote an article for them on how to keep dancers’ feet healthy, but tappers are a bit unique; they use their feet in more ways than most dancers, and their feet take a lot more pounding as […]
Tap, Tap, Cough, Cough
Someone at Nuvo convention had some wicked virus or bronchitis, and, of course, Julian picked got it. Fever, coughing…whole shebang. We’ve gone to the doctor, gotten antibiotics, and gotten a bit of relief. However, he had to miss the first of four days of tap choreography for the upcoming spring concert. He was bummed. He […]
Who Needs Him Anyway????
I just received the December issue of Dance Spirit Magazine, and I found myself intrigued and just a bit outraged by an articled titled “Who Needs Him Anyway, A Close Look at All-Girl Partnering.” I showed it to Julian, who stuck out his lower lip in a big pout of dismay. While at Ballet San […]