A recap of our final week in New York City and the teachers Julian enjoyed most at Broadway Dance Center. Also, a quick look at what we’ve been doing during the two weeks since we returned to California.
Last Day in New York City
As I write, Julian is enjoying the last 30 minutes of his last class at Broadway Dance Center, an old-school hip hop class. He’s taken so many great classes the week, I can’t begin to even write about them — at least not right now. I’m too exhausted! I can’t imagine how he isn’t tired, […]
Late July Missing Teachers and a Report on Pilobolus
We are back from my mother’s and back at the dancing. Julian and I were disappointed to discover that all of the teachers he was hoping to dance with this week are gone, namely Michelle Dorrance, Jared Grimes and Derrick Grant. What a bummer. It seems that last week of July is not a great […]