I’ve been promising some answers to the comments you left in reply to my request for you to tell me the issues you (if you are a dancin’ boy) or your sons face as male dancers. Today, I’ll begin. I’ll start with the topic of costumes and dance clothes for boys. This is a tough […]
Gearing Up For End-of-the-Year Concert
This is it! The end-of-the-year concert happens this weekend. Julian finished up Los Gatos Ballet’s Copellia last weekend only to start right in on technical rehearsals for Teen Dance Company’s 10th anniversary concert on Monday. Here it is Friday already, and he’s been at the Mexican Heritage Theatre in San Jose since 4 p.m. (it’s […]
Getting Ready for Another Convention: NYCDA
I didn’t write this week, because we didn’t have much going on. The company turned its focus to preparing for the NYCDA convention, where they will once again compete. Julian’s not too excited about going to this convention. He says three in a row was too many. Plus, he wanted to attend a dance the […]
Be Careful What You Ask For…
First, let me comment on the comment from last post concerning competition. This is a hot topic. Competitions have so much going for them, and so much going against them. I want to say one thing: They shouldn’t be about how many rhinestones are on the costume. They should be about technique and performance. Period. […]